Takamatsu park (Takamatsu Pond)

Three steps of embankment is made for the purpose of the feudal government period and flood control, and Nakatsutsumi biggest shortly will be present Takamatsu Pond. Because it was beautiful and famous, it's said that a pinery was called "Takamatsu Pond". 1000 Yoshino cherry trees are planted into 1906 around the pond, and it's chosen by "100 elections of landmark of a Japanese cherry tree" as next to one and 1989 of the famous place for beautiful cherry blossom which represents Morioka. There is a walkway around the pond, and it's also most suitable for bird watching.

Yonaijosuijo Weeping Cherry Trees

Yonai water purification plant is founded in 1934 and is opened to the public according to the time of the bloom of a cherry tree (at the end ofordinary year April-at the beginning of May). There is about 30 of YAEBENISHIDAREZAKURA here in the inside of the hall, and I bloom the latest time at Morioka. There is also a tree which becomes an estimated age of the tree for 90 years by something old.

Kaminohashi Bridge Ornamental Railing

Kaminohashi which connects Honcho area and Kaminohashi area is the landscape which seems to be Nakatsugawa river,,a castle town and Morioka.Nanbu Toshinao of a Nanbu seigneur is the bridge it spanned at the same time as Morioka castle is built. Bronze Giboshi Bridge Handrail Ornament which displays a rail is something when founding, and is inherited importantly up to now. There is 10 sets of something of 1611, and 8 sets of one by which among 18 sets of Giboshi Bridge Handrail Ornament and inscription of 1609 were cut is authorized by a country designation important art object.

Morioka Shinkin Bank Main Office

Kasai Manji from Morioka could design Morioka credit union was built for 、 1927 as a store of Morioka savings bank, and took over in 1958. Though it's the new classical style, the modern design is being taken in, and there is also an impression the stone relief, the inner stained glass and the illuminator given to 6 of pillar and granite in front of the building.

Konyacho Banya (Old Public Lodge)

It's Morioka fire fighting in 1891, the one which reconstructed the building built for a present location as a set ban-ya as a fire defense organization fourth copy office in 1913 is said to be the present building. Business has been finished in 2005 as a fire fighting post, but I contribute to Morioka-shi in 2015 via local preservation activity. After designating it as Morioka-shi cityscape important structure in 2018 at a city, earthquake-resistant* repaired it in 2021 including consideration of profit utilization. Interior construction was performed after that and a renewal was opened as exchange experience facilities in March, 2022. Something in Taisho is used for the part of the stone pavement, the window frame and the windowpane.

Oninotegata(Demons’ Hand Prints in the Rocks)Mitsuishi Shrine

There are three big stones in Mitsuishi shrine, and a legend which also derives from a prefecture name in Iwate is left. When the people worried by demon's villainy as an ogre before prayed to Mitsuishi's god, you got rid of a demon. And when he never did them wrong, an ogre pushed a draft towards a rock. This will be the history of the name in Iwate, and the dance by which people danced then is called origination of "Sansa Odori".

Gohyakurakan (Hoonji Temple)

Hoonji Temple where Morioka is five piles of one. An arhat is in line so that he may cover a wall in an arhat hall. An arhat hall was produced by 9 sculptors of Buddhist image in Kyoto between the 1731-1734. 500 beginnings were made, but 499 bodies exist at present. The image made Marco Polo and Khubilai is also seen in the inside.

Ryukokuji Temple’s Morioka Weeping Cherry Trees

The weeping cherry tree in the precinct is designated as a country designation natural monument by the endemic botanist's Miyoshi Manabu found. Further, while Katsurahara Taigetsu where I'm an uncle of Ishikawa Takuboku was 1871-1895, Ryukokuji was serving as a chief priest. Takuboku in boyhood often visited a temple and had guidance of poetry from Taigetsu.

Morioka Hachimangu

It's built by 1680 and Nanbu Shigenobu. Agriculture, industry, commerce, study and food, clothing and shelter are the hinda Wake life which is a god of a root of a human life (the 15th generation Emperor Ojin), and a deity is collecting reverences in an area from the past. Many people visit in worship in case of new year's visit to a shrine in January, nude coming, Regular grand Festival in 'Setsubun' of February and September and Yabusame.


Businessman from Morioka and the one Segawa Yasugorou built as a house around 1885. It also lacked a garden in style of garden that features a path around a pond for several years and was made. A building consists of an adjoining room of a tatami-floored and a hall in a boarded place, and a hallway in a boarded place circles that. Beautifully, the garden seen from there makes them feel taste in four seasons. A garden is designated as a protection garden in Morioka-shi and a preservation structure, and is designated as registered monument.