Kaminohashi Bridge Ornamental Railing
  • Hashi who leaves taste in a castle town
    Kaminohashi which connects Honcho area and Kaminohashi area is the landscape which seems to be Nakatsugawa river,,a castle town and Morioka.Nanbu Toshinao of a Nanbu seigneur is the bridge it spanned at the same time as Morioka castle is built. Bronze Giboshi Bridge Handrail Ornament which displays a rail is something when founding, and is inherited importantly up to now. There is 10 sets of something of 1611, and 8 sets of one by which among 18 sets of Giboshi Bridge Handrail Ornament and inscription of 1609 were cut is authorized by a country designation important art object.

    • The address

      Zip020-0887 Kaminohashicho, Morioka-shi.

    • Telephone number.

      019-604-3305 (Morioka sightseeing convention society)