Morioka Zoological ParkZOOMO

Morioka Zoological ParkZOOMO opens a renewal in 2023, and 65 kinds of animal of 600 feather lives at present. When it goes through a free entrance gate, the group of the square where the shade of a tree of planting is snug and the Japanese monkey will meet in immediateness. It's possible to touch a goat and a sheep in pasture area. There is also a lawn square and it's possible to experience walk and picnic feeling.

Morioka Children’s Museum of Science

A staff does starry sky information at a An exhibition hall of a hyblid planetarium and 3 is in a child science museum. planetarium, and a picture according to the theme is shown. A workshop and a science show are being also held in Sunday and a holiday every week. Much, even a parent and child can enjoy the program as which the inquisitiveness to the child's science is trained.

Morioka Handi-works Square

"I see, touch and create it." but Morioka Crafts of a concept, folkcraft product and food are the facilities where traditional local industries were collected. Nanbu Senbei, Nanbu ironware and Aizen's kobo equal in the site, and a craftsman can visit the state which functions imminently. There is also an experience program it's possible to make only the work with which while receiving the craftsman's rudiments.