  • A residence of the Meiji period and a garden are loved.
    Businessman from Morioka and the one Segawa Yasugorou built as a house around 1885. It also lacked a garden in style of garden that features a path around a pond for several years and was made. A building consists of an adjoining room of a tatami-floored and a hall in a boarded place, and a hallway in a boarded place circles that. Beautifully, the garden seen from there makes them feel taste in four seasons. A garden is designated as a protection garden in Morioka-shi and a preservation structure, and is designated as registered monument.

    • The address

      Zip020-0875 13-46, Shimizucho, Morioka-shi

    • Telephone number.


    • Business hours and hours, etc./p>

      April-November/10:00-17:00 and December-March/10:00-16:00

    • Days closed and the closing day, etc.

      Weekly Monday . Tuesday (Monday opens one in case of a holiday.)
      It's sometimes done around※ (around December 26-January 10) at New Year's.

    • Admission

      Adult of 300yen and Elementary and junior high school students of 150 yen.

    • URL