Morioka Hachimangu

It's built by 1680 and Nanbu Shigenobu. Agriculture, industry, commerce, study and food, clothing and shelter are the hinda Wake life which is a god of a root of a human life (the 15th generation Emperor Ojin), and a deity is collecting reverences in an area from the past. Many people visit in worship in case of new year's visit to a shrine in January, nude coming, Regular grand Festival in 'Setsubun' of February and September and Yabusame.


Businessman from Morioka and the one Segawa Yasugorou built as a house around 1885. It also lacked a garden in style of garden that features a path around a pond for several years and was made. A building consists of an adjoining room of a tatami-floored and a hall in a boarded place, and a hallway in a boarded place circles that. Beautifully, the garden seen from there makes them feel taste in four seasons. A garden is designated as a protection garden in Morioka-shi and a preservation structure, and is designated as registered monument.

Moriokashi Central Community Center

The community center in the place which was "herb garden" of Morioka feudal clan. "Old Nakamura family housing" of country designation important cultural property reconstructs it in a new location and is restoring. Nakamura family is called "thread shop" or "thread government", and it's said that even Morioka was selling dry goods and used clothing mainly at an eminent big store. A garden in community center is also learned about as a place famous for beautiful colored autumnal leaves, and I bustle with the people who enjoy it in autumn.


Museum in the town in Morioka Castle Site Park. The one which was introducing a festival and tourist information by the 1st floor and reproduced a float in the Meiji Period when I also come to 9 meters of height in the inside is exhibited, and it's possible to see nearby. A castle and various articles of standing in a castle town and the Morioka feudal clan relation are introduced on the 2nd floor. When I go around after I drop in before Morioka walk, Morioka can be felt more deeply.

Morioka Takuboku and Kenji Seishunkan

The facilities where I preserved and made use of the old ninetieth bank built for 1910. The Layout is a layout engineer from Morioka and Yokohama descended from an German Romanesque system is the feature. A poet, Ishikawa Takuboku, a juvenile story writer and Miyazawa Kenji introduce a footprint of Morioka who spent his old age and two people and exhibit it in inside of the building. There is a tearoom on the 1st floor and you can have time slowly.

Bank of Iwate Red Brick Building

Tatsuno Kingo who designed Tokyo Station and Kasai Manji architect's office designed and were constructed by 1911. When the form of the bank construction in the Meiji period is left at 2 story building built of brick, it's called. It's left only in Tohoku-district as the construction Tatsuno Kingo who designed a red brick station building of Tokyo Station designed, and it's designated as national important cultural property.

Morioka Machiya-Story Museum

The Morioka house in the midst of the busy town built for the Meiji period is also built now in the Natayacho neighborhood which was a stoop of Morioka and the highway where Tono and Kamaishi are connected, and I'm in line. "Morioka Machiya-Story Museum" in the section repaired preservation structure "Hamatou Sake Brewery" etc. in Morioka-shi, and was made. There is also tearoom space in the main building which shows the way of living in at that time, and how about dropping in at the way of the Natayacho walk?